+24VDC, 2.5A Max external power adapter attached.Writing and verifying data on single, dual, or triple track in one swipe.Manual Swipe to read and/or write card with /USB output.Programming software for various read/write performance.Program software for Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista.High/Low Coercivity encoding circuitry selectable screen.Read/Write High & Low Coercive (300~4000Oe).
Reading/Writing magnetic stripe card complied with ISO formats.MSR605 Reader/Writer provides a standard /USB interface to communicate with host system or other terminal computers. It reads and writes up to 3 tracks of data, decoding/encoding and verifying up to 3 tracks of data simultaneously. Magnetic Swipe Card Reader/Writer MSR605 (MSR206 Compatible) is designed to offer a card reading/writing solution for ISO formats.